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2Market Researchfor Renewable Energy –Solar Energy Systems
In a recent article regarding the trends in solar energy, it is concluded that it hasbecomemore useable as about 13.5 million homes in the United States are installed with solar energy power system. This number is expected to double in the next five years due to the awareness made to the public on the climate crisis, as well as governmental incentive programs, technology advances and the rising cost of fossil fuel (Lozanova, 2020). Energy storage is critical to the way how a solar energy system operate but it is considered an intermittent energy source, meaning it will only work when the sun is out but will not work when it is not (Lazanova, 2020.) Among some of the major factors that has played a role in boosting the popularity of installing a solar energy power system, the reduction in the price of solar battery charger is one of the most important. According to Lozanova, there are two types of batteries typically used to store the energy, and they are lead-acid and lithium-ion. Lithium-ion is far more superior because itis more advance, cost less to maintain and longer-lasting. Overall, this is good news for the solar energy market (Lozanova, 2020.)Lazanova, S. (2020, Feb. 25). 4 Trends in Solar Energy for 2020. Earth911. Retrieved fromhttps://earth911.com/eco-tech/4-trends-in-solar-energy-for-2020/The advents of new technologies, government incentives programs and the reduction in the cost of batteries usedfor energy storage is helping solar energy systems becoming more affordable and efficient. But how does it work? According to Michael Dhar, an author who writes articles for the Live Science website, solar systems simply works by allowing photons, or particle of lights, to knock loose electrons from the atom that it is bonded in to become a free electron, generating electricity flow (Dhar, n.d.). A solar panel is comprised of many smaller